Artur Pastuszek

artur_pastuszek_copy_1.jpgArtur Pastuszek PhD
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He was born in this part of Europe, which at that time was still a fragment of a different political reality, although it was slowly turning towards the dawn of freedom. He grew up and studied in People's Poland. Subjected to numerous ideological pressures and natural urges, he graduated from philosophy at the University of Wrocław. Later, at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, he defended his doctoral thesis in the field of philosophy of culture, aesthetics and theory of art. He worked in various places, but he has been employed the longest at the University of Zielona Góra - previously at the Institute of Philosophy, now at the Institute of Visual Arts, where he teaches, among others, in the propaedeutics of philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy and theory of art, as well as diploma seminars, during which he tries to analyze the changes taking place in the area of modern culture and their consequences for the contemporary shape of artistic practices, as well as to argue a critical attitude towards the products of artistic activity. He is the author of many studies in the field of philosophy of art, aesthetics, theory and history of culture, especially on European modernism and outstanding and controversial personalities of the Polish world of literature and art, such as Stanisław Przybyszewski, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz (Witkacy) and Stanisław Brzozowski. Author of the monograph Metaphysical grimaces. Witkacy's Pure Form as a category of metaphysics, articles related to the aesthetic and ethical issues of landscapes of the postmodern world, with the cultural and political context of the most important phenomena of contemporary art and creative education, with the universality of aestheticization processes and transformations in the area of popular culture, as well as the scientific editor of the volumes: Terytoria Kultury - the topography of presence and the University as a place of art. He was the organizer and scientific director of cyclical artistic and philosophical symposiums, the aim of which was, among others. combining reflection on the problematic issues of creative practices and the status of artistic objects, as well as other products having an aesthetic form, with reflection on the rapid transformation of the communication sphere and the experience of transience and impermanence of cultural production generated by the dynamics of contemporary changes. Currently, he carries out international projects (including the research program run with the Institute of Contemporary Art Research in Kiev, entitled Contemporary Art in the Age of Digital Media), analyzes the situation of Polish art in the new, post-transformation reality, conducts research on popular culture; he is interested in the limits of freedom and autonomy of creation, as well as the relationships of creative practices with political and aesthetic modalities of life - for example, how modifications of production techniques affect the change in functionality, aesthetic value and redefinition of cognitive sense. I'm writing. He tries to think, although it is a serious challenge at the moment.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18