Visual Arts (BA and MA)

Type of studies:
First degree full-time studies
3-year studies, ending with a bachelor's degree
Second-cycle full-time studies

Two-year studies, ending with a Master of Arts degree

The field of visual arts is distinguished by a comprehensive offer of interdisciplinary education in the field of art, enriched by the possibility for students to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of specialization elective modules.
The studies are a combination of general humanistic knowledge of contemporary culture with the practice of one's own artistic creation (painting, graphic arts, drawing, graphic design, photography, sculpture, multimedia).

The program for first-cycle studies includes 2 optional modules to choose from:

digital media and graphic design education module
photography training module
The program for second-cycle studies includes 2 optional modules to choose from:

graphics education module
multimedia education module
A graduate of the first and second degree studies has the knowledge and skills of a qualified artist-creator as well as a participant and animator of contemporary culture. He is able to implement and disseminate various forms of visual and media messages for artistic, educational and functional purposes, conducts workshops in the field of fine arts. The graduate has the cognitive and practical skills of functioning on the art market. They are prepared to work in: centers and institutions of culture, art and extracurricular education (museums, galleries, community centres, art centres, etc.) and in promotion and advertising centres.

Choosing the digital media and graphic design education module gives the student the opportunity to acquire practical skills in the area of artistic and design activities in the field of multimedia, photography, intermedia, animation and graphic design.

The choice and completion of the education module in the field of photography will allow you to obtain the appropriate qualifications necessary to use the photographic medium in creative and professional conditions after graduation.

Choosing a graphic education module gives you the opportunity to acquire practical skills in the area of artistic and design activities in the field of graphic arts, graphic design and design for the Internet.

Choosing a multimedia education module allows you to create your own audiovisual projects.

The subjects you will encounter during your studies include:
drawing, painting, visual structures, psychological workshops, basics of digital photography, sculpture, philosophy, history of art, issues and trends in contemporary art, methods of promoting artistic projects, performative and multimedia activities, history of photography, basics of traditional photography, intermedia photography, documentary photography, graphic design, design for the Internet, animated film forms, animation, basics of multimedia and image processing techniques, interactive spatial activities, augmented reality laboratory, foreign language

Detailed information on the conditions of recruitment:

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18