Student Exchanges with France

An Exchange agreement was signed with the University of Rennes 2 in 2002, making our Exchange programme with The University of Rennes 2 the longest.

Rennes is located in the north-west of France in Brittany and is the capital of the region. It is a city with a population of around 200,000 with a long history and a rich culture.

The UFR of Arts, Letters and Communication (ALC) boasts 5 departments (Plastic art, Performing arts, History of art, Literature, and Music) and 4 research units. The course programme focuses on the problems of contemporary art. Modules on the theory of fine art and more practical modules including ones of painting, photography, and graphic design are taught. Individual tutorials are also held.
Exchange students may be sent on placement outside the institute to gain practical experience.

Erasmus students are welcome to attend other classes related to their discipline and academic interests including, for example, theatre, philosophy and dance. Students can attend a free French course during the semester. Erasmus students also have access to the well-equipped library, a media library and a canteen.

Exchange students are provided with accommodation in the vicinity of the University. The cost is relatively low as most of it is covered by the student’s grant.

A high level of communicative French is required in order to apply for a grant to study at The University of Rennes 2

For Further Information about Student Exchanges with France

Please contact Patrycja Wilczek-Sterna Programme Coordinator, for further details about participating in the Erasmus Exchange Programme.


Student Exchanges with the UK

The University of Zielona Gora began student exchanges with Dartington College of Arts in 2006. Dartington College of Arts merged with University College, Falmouth in 20008 and the institution was awarded full university status in 2012 as Falmouth University. Since the merger, students can apply to study in any department in the university.
Erasmus students will have to organise their own accommodation, which is not always easy or cheap. However, the International Office at Falmouth University ( are welcoming and may be able to help. The cost of living in England is high relative to Poland and this should be taken into consideration when applying for a grant.

A communicative level of English sufficient to be able to cope with the demands of everyday life and study in a field you are a familiar with is a requirement.

Falmouth University is one of the most popular of choices among our students. It has an excellent reputation for teaching in the arts, impressive facilities, and a pleasant location: the town and port of Falmouth are located in the south-west of the UK in Cornwall in a region popular with tourists, particularly in the summer.

For Further Information about Student Exchanges with the UK

Please contact Patrycja Wilczek-Sterna Programme Coordinator, for further details about participating in the Erasmus Exchange Programme.


Student Exchanges with Portugal

An Erasmus Exchange Programme was established with The Insituto Plitecnico de Leira in Portugal ( in 2012. The School of Fine Arts and Design of IPL (ESAD.CR) is located in Caldas de Rainha and the reputation of the department and its location in a pleasant area of Portugal are likely to make this an increasingly popular choice with participating students.

Marika Szwal (spelling) is studying at ESAD.CR (as of November 2013) and in 2012-2013, two Portuguese students, Sandra Lino and Mauro Santos, studied at Zielona Gora.

For Further Information about Student Exchanges with Portugal

Please contact Anna Owsian, Programme Coordinator, for further details about participating in the Erasmus Exchange Programme.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18